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School Improvement Council




The purpose of the Minnie Hughes Elementary School Improvement Council is to involve staff, students, parents, and community members in school-based, shared decision-making. Members work to monitor progress on the goals and objectives of the School Improvement Plan. When parents, students, teachers, and community members unite to provide quality education for our students, a true spirit of collaboration, trust, and shared decision-making provide us with the best ingredients for success.  This shows that we are ALLIN for our Mini-Cats.

School Improvement

Council Members


Ashland Temoney, Principal

Marge Washington, SIC Chairperson

Helen Washington, Community Member

Vacant, Community Member

Nashayla Whitten, Instructional Coach

Clanice Barron, Teacher

Vacant, Teacher

Emily Lucas, Parent

Sevetria Hamilton, Parent

Willie Brooks, Guidance Counselor

Tanganica Cawley, Parent Advocate