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Erin's Law

Erins Law




Erin’s Law and Comprehensive Health Education: 

Section 59-32-20(B) of the South Carolina Code of Laws 

Charleston County School District Overview and Implementation 


The South Carolina Legislature passed legislation known as Erin’s Law to assist in protecting and educating students on child sexual abuse.  Section 59-32-30(G) of the South Carolina Code of Laws was amended so as for districts to provide annually shall provide age appropriate instruction in sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention to all students in four-year-old kindergarten, where offered, through twelfth grade.” 

 “The intent of the law is to give students skills in knowing how to stay safe from sexual assault and how to report any incidents of sexual assault” (Comprehensive Health Education Instructional Units and Resources for Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention Standards and Performance Indicators, South Carolina Department of Education, p. 2).


Instructional units for Erin’s Law were developed and written by the State Department of Education for use by school districts as a resource guide. The CCSD Health Advisory Committee reviewed The Comprehensive Health Education Instructional Units and Resources for Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention Standards and Performance Indicators document. The CCSD Board of Trustees then approved use of the units, which are aligned with the South Carolina Academic Standards for Health and Safety Education. CCSD school counselors and teachers may utilize, in whole or in part, the state approved curriculum materials. 


The adopted CCSD curriculum resources for elementary schools can be found here:

The adopted CCSD curriculum resources for secondary schools can be found here:


 Charleston County School District recognizes the sensitivity of the mandated subject-matter in Erin’s Law.  It is the goal of CCSD to provide age-appropriate instruction, as well as, transparency of the related curriculum with CCSD families.  Parents and guardians are encouraged to discuss all health safety topics with their children in coordination with the health and safety curriculum sequence. 

If you need further information, please contact your child’s school principal or Holly Kut, District Instructional Specialist for Health and PE at (843) 732-9894 or